Thursday, September 18, 2008

Fiscally Responsible Party

Ok, well election time is coming around again. And gee, look at how well we as a nation are doing after 8 years of republican guidance on the ship of state.

Don't whine at me that congress is controlled by the democrats, with only a single extra vote in their favor it would take a mass defection on the part of republican senators to get anything that came up from the house to get passed.. and even then you'd have GWB's veto power sitting squarely in the way.

Mired in the wrong war, the economy in dire straits as a direct result of that fiasco. Where is Osama? Not in Iraq and it's been shown time and again that there never was a link between Iraq and that piece of human trash.

The jobless rate is climbing. And last month 49,000 Wall Street employees lost their jobs, with more to follow now that another firm has gone bankrupt.

But wait! It get even better!

The federal government has bailed out in quick succession, Freddy Mac, Fannie Mae and AIG.. all using guess what? Tax dollars. 85 billion in the case of AIG. 85billion that won't go to paying for better schools, or roads or any number of things the average person expect the government to actually take in hand.

Now let's all think about where those dollars are coming from: they aren't coming out of the financial benefit packages of the people that steered those entities into such a morass. No that money comes from every tax payer. Kind of obvious you say, but have you considered what it really means?

Just recently the federal government was sending out checks to 'stimulate' the economy. They'll be wanting that money back with interest.

Much of the genesis of the financial market's problems actually started back in the 1980's. I'd like you to look at which party controlled the executive branch as well as the congress back then.

Now, the republican contender to the presidency is saying we need more regulation. Talk about Flip Flop, the man has until about oh, 4 days ago been all about the free market and deregulation.

Whenever you hear the phrase Free Market think jobs going overseas, think longer work hours for less pay. Think of job security as a myth. There's the Free Market in reality.

When it's presented to the U.S. voter it's couched as being a fundamental cornerstone of democracy. And if it were practiced in a manner that the average citizen imagines it to be then perhaps we'd be in better shape.

But in fact the free market as it is actually run is more on the lines of a plutocracy. And unless you happen to own the corporation or are very upper management the trickle down isn't going to be 'green'.

So, if you happen to be an average joe or jane, and you have a family and love them do yourself a favor and don't vote republican this year. They used to be the party of small government and the common man, but that isn't what the party represents now.

The last time the federal government shrank was under a democratic president who in spite of a republican dominated congress managed to bring a multi trillion dollar deficit under control and by the end of his term had actually gotten the economy to where the country had a surplus.

It's up to you, it's your life. Are you better off now than you were 12 years ago?