Tuesday, February 23, 2016

It's been a while..

It's been 4 years since I posted here. It's not that nothing's happening in the world, it's that it's all so depressing if you *really* are paying attention to the real world.

Some politicians are finally saying climate change is an immanent threat. But all they do is talk in circles while the people pulling the strings make sure they eek out yet another billion in profits. But that's 'progress' right? (sarcasm light on)

Way way back when, the big bogey to worry about was CO2, but wait.. let's talk about methane! It's 25% more potent in trapping solar radiation in the atmosphere and with the tundra/tiaga/whatever you want to call the frozen north staying warmer longer and reaching higher temperatures huge amounts are being released to help warm things up. Hurray! (See opposite day)

And the politicians talk.


The funny thing, if you want to call it funny is that solutions to have avoided this situation existed but were dubbed too expensive to implement back when. With sea level rise now recognized as a reality guess how much more expensive it will be trying to keep Boston, New York City or London from becoming like Venice, Italy. And all that buried infrastructure.. Hurricane Sandy was a bit of a preview of what a flooded NYC would be like. But those solutions were economically unsound... riiiiight. (penny wise, pound foolish)

On a separate note, zombie films.. I figure the ultra rich much see the rest of the population as something zombie like, and perhaps since most people allow themselves to be marginalized and just keep on plodding along they have it right. But only because most people aren't taught critical thinking during primary education.

There's nothing like ignorance to create a serfdom just waiting to be aimed at a target the "lord" of the manor wants destroyed. And you can pay em peanuts!

The one thing about modern zombie movies don't really deal with is how would a 40-60 year old CEO fair out in the wild fleeing a ravening horde and what would their life expectancy be?

I don't watch zombie films or series but I might if they had a "fat cat" trying desperately to convince his security detail not to cut and run as the world fell apart. If they had even a modest sense of tactics and strategy they'd be gone long before he could make an offer that was meaningless.