Friday, August 31, 2007

Privacy?.. Ha!

I like the quote that roughly goes 'If you haven't done anything wrong why should you mind us looking over your shoulder?'.

That kind of logic leads one to believe that for the security of the public we should all live in glass houses. After all what have you got to hide?

Well, Wired® has a nifty report on how easy it is for the long arm of the law to reach out and sample any conversation you might have on any electronic device.

It appears that many of the liberties that the American Revolution was fought for to assure it's citizens have finally gone into the shredder all in the name of security.

Ben Franklin made a pointed remark concerning people that are willing to sacrifice liberties for security. Those words are just as applicable today as they were the day Ben uttered them.

It's a pity the people that swear to uphold the constitution of this nation are so willing to sacrifice what many generations of Americans fought and died for with so little regard for the consequenses.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Reality bites

I'm bemused and amused by the reports on the antics of the AG(x2*) and his leash holder when even their own team manages to cause them to slip on the banana peel we like to call reality.

I guess the administration is of the opinion that if you stick to your lies reality will yield the right of way.. kind of like the concept of using affirmations(**).

That or they never read that quote of Lincoln's regarding fooling people!

(* the Attorney General, he who's initials are also AG)
(** a concept endorsed by the New Age community, the belief being that if you create whatever it is in you mind and picture it clearly and then keep on wishing for it that desire will be fulfilled)

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Memory check

Back in 1998 Will Smith and Gene Hackman starred in a movie titled Enemy of the State.

Most people that saw the movie thought it was far fetched and would never happen here in the land of the free. Anyone with their ear to the ground knew that the surveilance capabilities were getting close to those portrayed in the movie.

Nine years later this is no longer fiction, the only question that is being debated is how best to integrate it into every facet of 'law enforcement'.

Think I'm a crank just frothing at the mouth? Then have a read over here.

I've said it before elsewhere, Orwell just had the date wrong, otherwise he was scarily prophetic.

Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.. anyone believe that's what our government is trying to deliver to the public.. or is it all down to the Gross National Product and corporate protectionism now?

Tuesday, August 14, 2007


Ars Technica tells us the latest tale on the SCO Unix/Linux court battle.

Now if only such rulings would be applied to other bandits this country might actually start to resemble the America we, (alright, most of us), were all taught to believe existed.

Personally, I'm glad to see this nail being driven into this greedy corp's coffin *.

(* pun intended!.. oh suck it up!)

Sunday, August 05, 2007

Tell it!

I think that this post speaks for many of the people living on the planet currently.. and probably for a lot who have moved on!