We* all take it for granted that we can say whatever we want and wear whatever pleases us to express our opinions.
Well, lately people have been discovering that that's no longer true.
You can't tell a joke about the prez that involves any type of malice. That'll get you a visit to an interogation room and a file started on you tracking every breath and fart you take. You certainly can't wear anti-bush t-shirts in certain states.. not that you'll be arrested, no you'll just be harassed and possibly given a ticket.
Bumper stickers can realy get you into a situation, pulled over, harangued and ticketed for expressing your opinions.. nice, ehh?
But it could be worse, you could live in england where an 80 year old man was arrested on terrorism charges.. because of the anti-bush/blair t-shirt he was wearing!
You're free to express yourself, yes you are uhh huh... so long as that opinioun isn't critical of those in power.
That leads me to my point I guess. This is the first time in the modern history for these two nations that the governments seem to be so insecure and the leaders egos apparently so fragile that any dissenting views by the general public are actually being regulated.
It used to be that if the leader of one of our nations was persuing goals not in line with a portion of that nations populace, those people could assemble and make their voices heard. Usually within view of the official residence of the leader.
No longer.
Now your only hope is that the people officially elected to represent your state/district will have the guts to actually say what's on their constituents minds.
But these are polliticians we're talking about and they seldom run for office because they truly have your best interests at heart. To quote one of my favorite people: "Whenever a man has cast a longing eye on political offices, a rottenness begins in his conduct." - Thomas Jefferson, May 21, 1799
It's a brave new world. Buckle up!
{* if your over 30 years of age, at least. I can't say what's on the minds of people under that age... they seem to just accept things as they are.. so long as they're comfortable.}
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