I guess I'm a bit naive or wasn't really thinking about the department of justice as a political machine.
I had always thought that of all the branches of our government those that served they should hold to a higher standard. Apply themselves with honor and uphold the truth above all political considerations.
I had not considered or kept in my mind that the Attorney General is appointed by the president and in the same we he appoints state attorney generals that the president or his advisors favor.
In the past the congress of our nation vetted the AG and so there was the understanding that appointing one that would act as your de facto hatchet man wouldn't make it past them. That all changed when the last congress was sitting.
The checks and balances the people of this country thought or assumed were in place vanished and in turn whatever was deemed good by the administrative branch was deemed good by the legislature.
One of the AG's job is to tell the administrative branch of the government when they cross the line, not to write them a pass that allows them to do whatever they please.
Keep in mind that this AG said that coercive physical interrogations were legal and that the Geneva Convention was not relevant to the 'war on terror'.
Are the opinions rendered by the AG in keeping with our concepts of justice here in the United States? Or were they simply 'get out of jail cards' issued to the administration by the AG? It seems that the more light that is shone on the operations of the current AG, the more it looks like there's an attempt to fix in place a mindset in every state AG office one that follows the dogma issued by the same people that hold to the PNAC core belief systems.
Instead of diversity of opinion: One Opinion and only one philosophy.
Now there are some people in this country that may think a world with a mono-culture would be a great thing but if you look around the one thing you discover in a mono-culture is stagnation and decay. It would be a pity if that were to befall this country.
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