Unbelievable.. the party of corporate give-aways and tax cutters extraodinaire, (does anyone remember voodoo economics and which party invented it? Think Reagan.), that party which engineered the financial morass we find ourselves in is now going to be the party of fiscal responsibility?
Wait a minute.. where was their fiscal responsibility when they voted for more money for a war where money literally disappeared? A war that sucked hundreds of billions of dollars out of tax payer pockets.
Isn't that the same party that swore the 'market' could and should regulate itself?
Are they going to keep saying government shouldn't get involved now that the rampant greed of people like Madoff have been laid in the light?
Ohh, did they mean regulate like sharks do in a feeding frenzy? Is their philosophy 'Carpe diem, caveat emptor'? I thought that was more a libertarian stance.
The dichotomy between what their party supposedly stands for and what they truly act in favor for seem to be at odds if taken in view of the last 30 years of the party as a whole.
They talk the talk, but somehow it's the CEO that gets the breaks and the average working man or woman find themselves needing 2 jobs where one used to suffice.. if they can find a job.
Talk about hypocrisy, suddenly now that they've been kicked in the figurative family jewels by the voters who actually did give the current president a real majority mandate for change, they're going to 'return to the roots' of their party.
I have an idea.
If they're so patriotic let them pay for their own health care instead of that ultra inexpensive health plan they have courtesy of every working tax payer, (some of whom are undocumented workers. You should say thank you all you congressmen and women whenever you use it). It's a health plan that every blue collar American could only dream of having.
Let them pay for their own travel without getting reimbursed by the tax payer.
And while their at it, why don't they vote to cut their pay by 20% to show some empathy for the squeeze the average worker is feeling.
Fiscal responsibility? Do more with less Mr. and Ms. Republican congress person, not less with more as you have in the past, (anyone want a Bridge to Nowhere?), and the country *might* start believing your are the party of Lincoln again.
But, and here's the kicker, if you helped create a wreck and there are people in dire need of first aid and you start crying that the bandages are too expensive you won't impress anyone with that argument that has half a brain.
Serve the nation or get out of the way.
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