Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Even Worse (Not the Weird Al Yankovic album)

Sometimes your the ball, sometimes your the bat... but are you ever ahead of the curve?

I touched on climate change in my last post.. and today I read this article.

It's always the unanticipated effects that catch you out.

Funnily enough some of the problems like melting permafrost have been considered by some scientists. I see no mention of the methane that will be released when the permafrost melts. It's only a major greenhouse gas.. someone will plug that in soon I'm sure.

Oh, and here's a fun fact: pytoplankton are a major part of the CO2 to oxygen cycle.. kick up the ultraviolet penetrating the earth's atmosphere and you reduce the ability of earth's oceans to take up CO2.

Ever wonder how a mammoth could have been flash frozen even as it was munching green vegetation?
That's been a puzzle to the scientists who were studying it. We may, (relatively), soon be able answer that question. Whether we'll be able to record that information for whoever follows us is another question.

I'm sure there will people that read this and think, "he's a nut job alarmist". To the ostrich's that walk as human beings among us I say this: eat drink and be merry, for in less than a century civilization as you knew it will be gone.

What a legacy....

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