Tuesday, September 11, 2012

On the use of Polarization of Nations for Political and Financial Gain.

I'm thinking about history and how polarized societies lead to the rise of people like Lenin, and Hitler and men that believe demonizing anyone that doesn't fit their plans is an acceptable tactic.
That blaming one group for the nations ills is the best way to resolve issues.
I'm thinking about all the people that agreed and idolized those men.

I'm thinking about our country and how we all *know* it can't happen here because we all believe in justice.

Wait a minute. Hold on.. that's actually not what everyone in this country believes anymore.

Did you work all you're life for a company expecting to get a pension when you retired? Then consider that the companies that raided the pension funds for capital for jets for the CEO could care less. It was a corporate decision, yes.. made by executives that considered their workers as things, not people. Or the fund was gambled away in the stock market. And now you're on your own while lawyers argue over who's fault it is at a $250.00 rate.

In the U.S. most of the grunt farm work is done by migrant workers. Most of those from Mexico. But there's a bunch of reactionary knee jerk politicians saying these people are taking jobs away from Americans. Like you're going to find 12 million Americans that will spend 10 to 12 hours bent over in the broiling hot sun picking produce for a 1.25 and hour.

People living in urban centers usually have no clue of how much hard labor is involved in bring those coffee beans to their local Starbucks, or the lettuce in their salads so it's easy for them to leap on the 'send 'em back to where they came from' bus.

People like the Koch brothers do not have the common American interests in heart excepting how much money that citizen will generate to spend on a product that the brother's companies sell. But they back the Tea Party and have people do seminars on talking points that say that demonizing the opponent is A-OK. The Koch brothers aren't alone, but I doubt the number of wealthy people in that camp wouldn't fill one 200 unit apartment building.
When people earning less than 250 thousand dollars a year start calling people that think people whose earnings are in the multi million or billion dollar should pay their fair share 'liberal weenies' you should to look at why they're taking that stance. The likelihood that one of those 'job creators' is going to do anything for that working class liberal basher is on the same order as that of a meteor falling out of the sky and hitting you.
There's a party in our country that is using similar tactics developed by fascists in Europe to enslave nations. That should scare the hell out of anyone if they've read history. It didn't turn out well for the countries that embraced those philosophy.

This is all 'pre-coffee thought' but I wanted to get this 'down on paper' and put it out for consideration.

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