I've added some new links for less biased news sources, (recommeneded to me by Keen Eddie.. thanks Ed!).
And something I think is cool also given to me by Ed. Gullible info!
Also Ed has pointed out that this blog has an overlap problem when viewed with Safari.
I recommend using Firefox or Shiira, (which is based on the Safari webkit*).
These browsers seem not to have the css interpretation problem.
[* I find it strange the Shiira which is based on Safari's code isn't exhibiting the same error though]
You're welcome :)
I wonder if that "Gullible" info is all true stuff, or if it's facts posted to see if people are, in fact, gullible :-/
To me they seem pretty genuine.... but maybe I'm just gullible.
I think it may be half-truths.. those are the best sort of misleading statements... if you can say that a misleading statement is good!
Some of the best misleading statements have made some men very rich and powerful. Whether that's good or not will be known in time. :-/
Speaking of misleading statements, here's an interesting site >:-(
re interesting site.. Ouch!
I've written a lot in my blog about how I feel about the media and Big Business (in general)... you'd have to dig thru some of the archives, though. Here are a couple of examples:
Link 1
Link 2 (scroll down a little)
Link 3
Sorry to pimp my blog here in your blog, but I just wanted to illustrate my point.
Anyway, one of my favorite magazines is AdBusters. They usually present a pretty blunt statement regarding politics, advertising, technology and it's impact on modern life, etc. Although most of the articles can seem pretty grim, it's actually a refreshing take on things.
I also like The Sun for great writing on anything from the nature of Buddhism to mechanics of arms dealing, from both true and fictional stories of hope to stories of utter despair... in sum, real slice-of-life kind of writing.
'pimp' away :)
The Guardian sometimes can be intereting too.
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