Thursday, November 09, 2006

No means no?

Today it becomes apparent that in spite of *not* getting a mandate from the people on his ideological stance regarding the nature of national policies the 'Decider' has told the current republican lead congress to get those bills regarding domestic spying passed before the democrats come onborad as the majority and stop his shenanigans.

What part of we don't like where you're leading this country does the man not get? How many ways does the word no have to be enunciated before he can hear it?

And where's the man that said he'd reach out to the democrats just yesterday.. I suppose he meant he'd reach out and slap them in the face before they take power.

I would think that if a law was truly in the best interest of the nation it would receive bi-partisan support, whereas if a bill contravenes existing laws or supercedes them then I could see where you'd want to make sure that the people that share you're own viewpoint would expedite passage while they still had control of the congress.

The caveat regarding that type of behavior is that you may be sacrificing the careers of every politician who participates in that sort of underhanded behavior and possibly poisoning public opinion against the party to whom those politicians belong.

Which causes me to wonder just how well thought out this move by the 'Decider' is or whether it's a knee-jerk/panic reaction to the high probability, [fact], that he'll be faced with democratic majority in the senate come January.

Whatever the cause, I'm curious to see how many republicans fall on their figurative swords to ensure the our man gets the bills he wants passed.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Trying to spin defeat into a victory

Ok, here's the lay of the land this morning.

The Dem's are slated to run the House of Representatives, (no one's arguing that.. yet).

The Dem's are now in the majority in state governorships.

A slew of state legislators have gone democrat, (both their houses and senates).

In South Dakota the electorate killed the attempt to ban abortions. In another state which is an Evangelical stronghold they approved funding for stem cell research.

But the republican spin meisters are now saying that this election wasn't about voter frustration with the corrupt politicians... even though most of those lost their bids for re-election.

They're saying this isn't the people rejecting some of the fundamental issues that the republican party has been pushing.

In essence it seems they're saying that the American people are as dumb as Mr. Rove thinks they are.

I think the people trying to spin this election need to consider that the people that voted their candidates out of office might take offense at the arrogant tone and dismissal of the electorates legitimate grievances with the party these spin doctors are trying to gussy up.

A point they seem to miss is that in the house of representatives the democrats held their seats in spite of many bitter fights.

I think like me many people are fed up with the fear mongering and the smear tactics that seem endemic in our political system.

We want our government to take some responsibility for their actions and to be accountable to us. Something that seems to go right over a lot of the pundits heads.

Accountability. It's expected of us in our work places.. we expect it of our elected officials.

After the Katrina debacle I think every citizens realized just what the problem in our federal government was and that it was time to send a message.

Hello Washington D.C., this is your wake up call.

Friday, November 03, 2006

The truth about the democratic parties plans for security

You can read them for yourself, visit this site.

There's a pdf you can download and study to determine if it sounds like they have something firm in mind.

And then you can compare that to what the republicans have been saying regarding the democrats stance on terrorism.

Personally I'm tired of the fear-mongering.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Beating the Drums of Fear

The GOP is pounding on the Drums of Fear yet again for this election year. They say the democrats won't be able to protect America from terrorism.

What I find amazing is that from the top down they claim that they do a better job at defending the American citizen from terrorism. That's odd since last year a team of covert agents managed to sneak everything they needed to make a functioning nuke.

They did it without disquising any of the parts they needed! Some of it was labeled as fissable material!!

Did any of the people charged with intercepting terrorists question the shipments these under cover agents were transporting into the US?

Nope! They did not. All the crates had the proper labels and stamps so they let them breeze right into the US.

And how long has the DHS been on the job? Who appointed the people that run it?

According to a report released to the public on the effectiveness of TSA screenings over 200 fake bombs were smuggled onto commercial flights while testing current security measures not too long ago.

Who's in charge of these keystone cops? Oh yeah, the same guy that oversaw the agency in charge of preparing for Katrina and it's aftermath.

So tell me again how this administration is doing a better job than the democrats could?

You're only as good as your team is when you manage a nation and the people you appoint to management teams had better be competent in those jobs.

So far the record for the current management says they can't do the job, in spite of the claims they continue to make. I guess their real message to the people of the US is, 'Yeah, well.. we may not be so hot but the other guys suck even more'.

Is that how low we've sunk?

Are there no intelligent, competent people of integrity in politics any more? People that won't rape the Constitution and Bill of Rights just to avoid being embarrassed when the Supreme Court tells them they're violating the same Constitution that they swore to uphold?