Today it becomes apparent that in spite of *not* getting a mandate from the people on his ideological stance regarding the nature of national policies the 'Decider' has told the current republican lead congress to get those bills regarding domestic spying passed before the democrats come onborad as the majority and stop his shenanigans.
What part of we don't like where you're leading this country does the man not get? How many ways does the word no have to be enunciated before he can hear it?
And where's the man that said he'd reach out to the democrats just yesterday.. I suppose he meant he'd reach out and slap them in the face before they take power.
I would think that if a law was truly in the best interest of the nation it would receive bi-partisan support, whereas if a bill contravenes existing laws or supercedes them then I could see where you'd want to make sure that the people that share you're own viewpoint would expedite passage while they still had control of the congress.
The caveat regarding that type of behavior is that you may be sacrificing the careers of every politician who participates in that sort of underhanded behavior and possibly poisoning public opinion against the party to whom those politicians belong.
Which causes me to wonder just how well thought out this move by the 'Decider' is or whether it's a knee-jerk/panic reaction to the high probability, [fact], that he'll be faced with democratic majority in the senate come January.
Whatever the cause, I'm curious to see how many republicans fall on their figurative swords to ensure the our man gets the bills he wants passed.
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