Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Trying to spin defeat into a victory

Ok, here's the lay of the land this morning.

The Dem's are slated to run the House of Representatives, (no one's arguing that.. yet).

The Dem's are now in the majority in state governorships.

A slew of state legislators have gone democrat, (both their houses and senates).

In South Dakota the electorate killed the attempt to ban abortions. In another state which is an Evangelical stronghold they approved funding for stem cell research.

But the republican spin meisters are now saying that this election wasn't about voter frustration with the corrupt politicians... even though most of those lost their bids for re-election.

They're saying this isn't the people rejecting some of the fundamental issues that the republican party has been pushing.

In essence it seems they're saying that the American people are as dumb as Mr. Rove thinks they are.

I think the people trying to spin this election need to consider that the people that voted their candidates out of office might take offense at the arrogant tone and dismissal of the electorates legitimate grievances with the party these spin doctors are trying to gussy up.

A point they seem to miss is that in the house of representatives the democrats held their seats in spite of many bitter fights.

I think like me many people are fed up with the fear mongering and the smear tactics that seem endemic in our political system.

We want our government to take some responsibility for their actions and to be accountable to us. Something that seems to go right over a lot of the pundits heads.

Accountability. It's expected of us in our work places.. we expect it of our elected officials.

After the Katrina debacle I think every citizens realized just what the problem in our federal government was and that it was time to send a message.

Hello Washington D.C., this is your wake up call.

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