Thursday, November 09, 2006

No means no?

Today it becomes apparent that in spite of *not* getting a mandate from the people on his ideological stance regarding the nature of national policies the 'Decider' has told the current republican lead congress to get those bills regarding domestic spying passed before the democrats come onborad as the majority and stop his shenanigans.

What part of we don't like where you're leading this country does the man not get? How many ways does the word no have to be enunciated before he can hear it?

And where's the man that said he'd reach out to the democrats just yesterday.. I suppose he meant he'd reach out and slap them in the face before they take power.

I would think that if a law was truly in the best interest of the nation it would receive bi-partisan support, whereas if a bill contravenes existing laws or supercedes them then I could see where you'd want to make sure that the people that share you're own viewpoint would expedite passage while they still had control of the congress.

The caveat regarding that type of behavior is that you may be sacrificing the careers of every politician who participates in that sort of underhanded behavior and possibly poisoning public opinion against the party to whom those politicians belong.

Which causes me to wonder just how well thought out this move by the 'Decider' is or whether it's a knee-jerk/panic reaction to the high probability, [fact], that he'll be faced with democratic majority in the senate come January.

Whatever the cause, I'm curious to see how many republicans fall on their figurative swords to ensure the our man gets the bills he wants passed.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Trying to spin defeat into a victory

Ok, here's the lay of the land this morning.

The Dem's are slated to run the House of Representatives, (no one's arguing that.. yet).

The Dem's are now in the majority in state governorships.

A slew of state legislators have gone democrat, (both their houses and senates).

In South Dakota the electorate killed the attempt to ban abortions. In another state which is an Evangelical stronghold they approved funding for stem cell research.

But the republican spin meisters are now saying that this election wasn't about voter frustration with the corrupt politicians... even though most of those lost their bids for re-election.

They're saying this isn't the people rejecting some of the fundamental issues that the republican party has been pushing.

In essence it seems they're saying that the American people are as dumb as Mr. Rove thinks they are.

I think the people trying to spin this election need to consider that the people that voted their candidates out of office might take offense at the arrogant tone and dismissal of the electorates legitimate grievances with the party these spin doctors are trying to gussy up.

A point they seem to miss is that in the house of representatives the democrats held their seats in spite of many bitter fights.

I think like me many people are fed up with the fear mongering and the smear tactics that seem endemic in our political system.

We want our government to take some responsibility for their actions and to be accountable to us. Something that seems to go right over a lot of the pundits heads.

Accountability. It's expected of us in our work places.. we expect it of our elected officials.

After the Katrina debacle I think every citizens realized just what the problem in our federal government was and that it was time to send a message.

Hello Washington D.C., this is your wake up call.

Friday, November 03, 2006

The truth about the democratic parties plans for security

You can read them for yourself, visit this site.

There's a pdf you can download and study to determine if it sounds like they have something firm in mind.

And then you can compare that to what the republicans have been saying regarding the democrats stance on terrorism.

Personally I'm tired of the fear-mongering.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Beating the Drums of Fear

The GOP is pounding on the Drums of Fear yet again for this election year. They say the democrats won't be able to protect America from terrorism.

What I find amazing is that from the top down they claim that they do a better job at defending the American citizen from terrorism. That's odd since last year a team of covert agents managed to sneak everything they needed to make a functioning nuke.

They did it without disquising any of the parts they needed! Some of it was labeled as fissable material!!

Did any of the people charged with intercepting terrorists question the shipments these under cover agents were transporting into the US?

Nope! They did not. All the crates had the proper labels and stamps so they let them breeze right into the US.

And how long has the DHS been on the job? Who appointed the people that run it?

According to a report released to the public on the effectiveness of TSA screenings over 200 fake bombs were smuggled onto commercial flights while testing current security measures not too long ago.

Who's in charge of these keystone cops? Oh yeah, the same guy that oversaw the agency in charge of preparing for Katrina and it's aftermath.

So tell me again how this administration is doing a better job than the democrats could?

You're only as good as your team is when you manage a nation and the people you appoint to management teams had better be competent in those jobs.

So far the record for the current management says they can't do the job, in spite of the claims they continue to make. I guess their real message to the people of the US is, 'Yeah, well.. we may not be so hot but the other guys suck even more'.

Is that how low we've sunk?

Are there no intelligent, competent people of integrity in politics any more? People that won't rape the Constitution and Bill of Rights just to avoid being embarrassed when the Supreme Court tells them they're violating the same Constitution that they swore to uphold?

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Are they asleep at the wheel?

Ok, this is nuts. A court has ruled that the conviction of Kenneth Lay, formerly of Enron should be dismissed because he died before his appeal went to trial.

Does that mean that if a person that murders an entire family and is found guilty and then sentenced to life in prison they could have that conviction dropped off the books if they die in prison, clearing their name of the crime? It sure sounds that way from what this ruling implies.

I mean where are the lines here.. for white collar crimes that are felonies you can have your name cleared if you die before your appeal(s) run their course in the judicial system? I know that the basis of law in the US is innocent until proven guilty, but then why are our prisons filled to overflowing if that is true.

I'm quite sure many of the people in prison have appeals pending.. why aren't they free if the present ruling is based on the concept that until all appeals have run their course you're not guilty?

I think the judges that ruled on this Lay issue need to revisit it and consider the implications.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

more improvements

I've added a live chat system to homefires.. I'll tweak the appearance later. For now it works ;)

A Marine's view of Iraq

Saw this post over on regarding an email from an Officer serving in one of the worst areas in Iraq.

He had something interesting to say about Bill O'Rielly.

Read it here

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

And yet more

Homefires, now sports photo galleries, a wiki and some other nice improvements. Drop by and have a look, let us kow what you think.

You'll need to create and account to view those areas, (the menus aren't visible to guests, sorry), but it is free!

Quite unlike some other place I could mention that has made usage really annoying.

Friday, May 26, 2006

another site

devoted to Koi and koi ponds, comes with forums, private messaging the usual kit.

Go have a look here =--> Koi Ponding -
Free memberships! Wheee! :)

Sunday, May 21, 2006

The Homefires Community

The Homefires Community has been updated.
'Not too shabby!' to use that old phrase.
You do have to do the free signup to actually do any posting etc, and spamming it will get you banned faster than you can say "who's laughin' now?".

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Speak freely!.....

or perhaps not... The right to privacy shall not be abridged... yeah, right! And if you believe that I've a small used planet for sale! Cheap!

Ok, that may seem like babble out of the blue, but if you read this you may change your tune.

And for all you twits that think we should surrender these basic principals you need to revisit the reasons the Founders of this nation decided they needed to act against King George and his representatives.

Tuesday, April 25, 2006


man.. slower than before, the pictures I'd uploaded are all gone.
of course they say that if you upgrade to Club speeds are better.. but seeing is believing and unless I see a preview I'm not believing much.. especially after they deleted my photos!

Quote of the moment

This country has come to feel the same when Congress is in session as when the baby gets hold of a hammer. - Will Rogers (1879 - 1935)

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

On content management systems

I'm not reviewing every single CMS available, just the ones that in theory are the fastest/easiest to install and get up and running with that are still installed and being 'tested' on a private server.

I'm down to two now. e107 from and Joomla, (created by the dev team that originated mambo), from .

Off the mark they're both fairly easy to install provided you've already installed PHP and MYSQL. You'll need to be sure that which ever CMS package you go is compatible with the versions of PHP and MYSQL you've got installed.

Before we go on let me say this about MYSQL. There are all sorts of flavors of this, some customized by third party developers to make installing and getting the basic configuration done. I highly advise you look for something like that if you've never tackled this type of install before. Secound the people that develope the main branch have an excellent freeware gui tool for administering MYSQL. Lastly choose non-trivial passwords for the root access admin to MYSQL. You really don't want someone finding a backdoor into your database.

Ok, back to the CMS packages. After you've got them installed they both give you the option of loggin into the admin page or the front page of your new web portal site. Since you haven't done any configuring in the admin section yet the front page is going to be the default page so it's better if you dive into the admin area first.

Here's where these two packages depart company. In e107 you can with fair ease get the framework of your site set up, add in extra functionality with plugins from [free registration/access]. Add new 'themes' ie layout and color templates. The builtin help is minimal but sufficient and there's plenty of info and help to be found at the main e107 site.

Now joomla.. joomla looks really nice from the sites that I've seen running it.. well, ok.. from the sites that took the time to do a nice job of setting up. But having installed it, and that was a breeze, we ie I came to a near dead stop. The admin area is baroque in it's terminology and setup requiring you to stop, read, study and then read and study some more.

You get the idea. There's a 20 page pdf manual you can download to get you started on the road with joomla if you have the patience and time. Joomla looks like it could potentially be more powerful and perhaps more friendly to a wider group or web browsers. That's just a first impression though.. I've only read up to page 5 so far and it gave me a headache so I'll go back to it later.... or not.

Monday, April 17, 2006

joke du jour

A Doctor was addressing a large audience in Tampa. He said, "The material we put into our stomachs is enough to have killed most of us sitting here, years ago."

"Red meat is awful. Soft drinks corrode your stomach lining. Most chinese food is loaded with MSG. High fat diets can be disastrous, and none of us realizes the long-term harm caused by the all the chemical runoff in our drinking water."

He paused and looking very grave said, "But there is one thing that is the most dangerous of all and we all have, or will, eat it. Can anyone here tell me what food it is that causes the most grief and suffering for years after eating it?"

After several seconds of quiet, a 75-year-old man in the front row raised his hand, and softly said, "Wedding Cake."

Saturday, April 15, 2006

The Joke of the day (authors unknown)

A man decided that he was going to ride a 10-speed bike from Phoenix to Flagstaff, Arizona.

He got as far as Black Canyon City before the mountains just became too much and he could go no farther.

He stuck his thumb out, but after 3 hours hadn't gotten a single person to stop. Finally, a guy in a Corvette pulled over and offered him a ride. Of course, the bike wouldn't fit in the car.

The owner of the Corvette found a piece of rope lying by the highway and tied it to his bumper. He tied the other end to the bike and told the man that if he was going too fast, to honk the horn on his bike and that he would slow down.

Everything went fine for the first 30 miles. Suddenly, another Corvette blew past them. Not to be outdone, the Corvette pulling the bike took off after the other. A short distance down the road, the Corvettes, both going well over 120 mph blew through a speed trap.

The police officer noted the speeds from his radar gun and radioed to the other officer that he had two Corvettes headed his way at over 120 mph. He then relayed, "...and you're not going to believe this, but there's guy on a 10 speed bike honking to pass."

Friday, April 14, 2006

Quote of the day

Of all forms of tyranny the least attractive and the most vulgar is the tyranny of mere wealth, the tyranny of plutocracy. Theodore Roosevelt (1858 - 1919)

Couldn't sleep... I re-installed e107 on my machine, I had really torture tested the original install until it broke. It took all of about 3 minutes for the install process to complete on my mac. Painless!

Now I'm trying to avoid the actions that lead to the collapse of the first install... (no, no.. don't load that highly experimental plugin for a Flash mp3 jukebox!)

We'll see how long I can resist the temptation!

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Quote of the day

I would rather be exposed to the inconveniences attending too much liberty than those attending too small a degree of it. -Thomas Jefferson, December 23, 1791

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

The Grand Canyon

We just got the pictures * back taken when we were up at the Grand Canyon, in Arizona last month.

Here's one of us with the canyon as a backdrop.

(*using cheap disposable kodaks so the quality is what it is.. sorry )

I wish...

... that I had a poll in here now.. I just thought of a cute question.

Of all the blogs being posted that are critical of the prez and his boys how many do you think are being tracked as being 'dissidents' for 'unamerican' sentiments?

Of course that question is too long for most of poll systems I've seen, (too many characters).

I shall have to.. investigate. Poll systems for Blogger, not the other question... I'm much too lazy to persue that!

Especially since I'm sure it'd be duplication of effort.


Quote of the day

Diplomacy is the art of saying 'Nice doggie' until you can find a rock. - Will Rogers (1879 - 1935)
(ya gotta love this guy's wit... too bad he's not around now!)

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

in a word: flexibility

So far I'd have to say that Blogger offers more bang for your fee free blog than you see on LJ.

I've only started looking at it though. Of course the people don't have the same kind of financial captial as that which supports Blogger so I guess offering a 'premium' level makes good sense for them.

More to come as I go foward.

Testing another blog service

over on Livejournal

Quote of the day

Ten men in our country could buy the whole world and ten million can't buy enough to eat. - Will Rogers (1879 - 1935)

Monday, April 10, 2006

Another spacey desktop

Ok, this one isn't by me, (don't remember who the artist is!).
But I think it's cool. :)

Freedom of expression

We* all take it for granted that we can say whatever we want and wear whatever pleases us to express our opinions.

Well, lately people have been discovering that that's no longer true.

You can't tell a joke about the prez that involves any type of malice. That'll get you a visit to an interogation room and a file started on you tracking every breath and fart you take. You certainly can't wear anti-bush t-shirts in certain states.. not that you'll be arrested, no you'll just be harassed and possibly given a ticket.

Bumper stickers can realy get you into a situation, pulled over, harangued and ticketed for expressing your opinions.. nice, ehh?

But it could be worse, you could live in england where an 80 year old man was arrested on terrorism charges.. because of the anti-bush/blair t-shirt he was wearing!

You're free to express yourself, yes you are uhh huh... so long as that opinioun isn't critical of those in power.

That leads me to my point I guess. This is the first time in the modern history for these two nations that the governments seem to be so insecure and the leaders egos apparently so fragile that any dissenting views by the general public are actually being regulated.

It used to be that if the leader of one of our nations was persuing goals not in line with a portion of that nations populace, those people could assemble and make their voices heard. Usually within view of the official residence of the leader.

No longer.

Now your only hope is that the people officially elected to represent your state/district will have the guts to actually say what's on their constituents minds.

But these are polliticians we're talking about and they seldom run for office because they truly have your best interests at heart. To quote one of my favorite people: "Whenever a man has cast a longing eye on political offices, a rottenness begins in his conduct." - Thomas Jefferson, May 21, 1799

It's a brave new world. Buckle up!
{* if your over 30 years of age, at least. I can't say what's on the minds of people under that age... they seem to just accept things as they are.. so long as they're comfortable.}

Quote of the day

The death-knell of the republic had rung as soon as the active power became lodged in the hands of those who sought, not to do justice to all citizens, rich and poor alike, but to stand for one special class and for its interests as opposed to the interests of others. - Theodore Roosevelt (1858 - 1919)

Sunday, April 09, 2006

News Links

I've added some new links for less biased news sources, (recommeneded to me by Keen Eddie.. thanks Ed!).
And something I think is cool also given to me by Ed. Gullible info!

Also Ed has pointed out that this blog has an overlap problem when viewed with Safari.
I recommend using Firefox or Shiira, (which is based on the Safari webkit*).
These browsers seem not to have the css interpretation problem.
[* I find it strange the Shiira which is based on Safari's code isn't exhibiting the same error though]

Quotes of the day

Quote #1
The love of liberty is the love of others; the love of power is the love of ourselves.
William Hazlitt (1778 - 1830)
Quote #2
If people let government decide what foods they eat and what medicines they take, their bodies will soon be in as sorry a state as are the souls of those who live under tyranny. - Thomas Jefferson (1743 - 1826)
Quote #3
And finally
Shake off all the fears of servile prejudices, under which weak minds are servilely crouched.
Fix reason firmly in her seat, and call on her tribunal for every fact, every opinion.
Question with boldness even the existence of a God; because, if there be one, he must more approve of the homage of reason than that of blindfolded fear. - Thomas Jefferson (1743 - 1826)

Saturday, April 08, 2006

Desktop images

I threw this image together to use as a desktop image on my mac.
I thought I'd share it here. The @ stays with me but the image is free for personal use.
I'll post more if there's interest,... eventually.


It's staggerday, your sitting around the house. You say to yourself, "I'm bored".
Prescription: rent 1776, the movie! It's got a version of John Adams in it that you'll love and hate and probably admire. Ben's Ben what can you say about Ben? And Tom just wants to go home and see his wife but his conscience, (and John and Ben), just won't let him go.

But be forewarned.. there's singing in this movie and it's patriotic as all get out.
The news reports from General Washington and the song the messenger eventually gets to sing about a dying young soldier may not be for everyone.. if you don't find them poignant you must be dead..

That's just my opinion of course, consult your doctor on that last. ]=P

Quote of the day

There is danger from all men. The only maxim of a free government ought to be to trust no man living with power to endanger the public liberty.
John Adams, Journal, 1772


To anyone that wanted to post a comment and couldn't.. Sorry!
The default comment preference is set to only allow Registered Users to comment.
It's been reset to allow anyone to post comments now.

Hopefully people won't spam comments... if they do then I'll need to rethink how the thing is set.

For now I'll act in the belief that people are honorable, (I know, I know, but one can always be pleasantly surprised!).

Friday, April 07, 2006

Oops.. did I forget to get a career?

Nope!.. But I suck at promoting mine.

As the name in my profile suggests, I'm a silversmith.
That is to say that I design silver jewelry, (mostly in the form of sterling silver pendants).
If you click the link over there (<---=) that says My designs you can have a look at what I've done currently.
I also do a fair amount of web design. Mostly for friends and myself but the argent market site is an example.

Not too shabby.. well that's my opinion and I'm sticking to it.


I realise there are people out there that may take exception to some of what I'm posting here.
You can do several things about it.

1. You can stop reading this!
2. You can complain to the the company hosting this blog.
3. If you're in the federal gov you could do any number of things now that the Patriot Act has been re-up'd.

The thing is the revolution that took place in this country back in the late 1700's was fought so that people could say these kind of things. If you don't believe me read Ben Franklin's writings, read Thomas Jefferson. Heck nearly all the framers of nation's original constitution had strong feelings on freedom of expression and the right of people to disagree!

So like a radio show or a television show or a film or a musical artist.. if you don't like what you see here, you're free to not read it.

Just don't come at me and claim I'm unpatriotic.. I'll tell you to look up the definition! I love the country.. I'm having a hard time loving the leadership.

The Christian Right

Let's see Evangelical ministers have been busted for bilking millions of dollars from their flocks, (think of another animal that's collectively called a flock and you'll see a similarity). The Catholic Priesthood has been shown to be riddled by pedophiles...

If you read the article linked in the url below you'll see it's not just in the Catholic priesthood.

What really gets me riled up is that these are the very people that go out branding people as 'sinners' and 'atheists' if someone takes exception to their politics.. and I do call them politics.

These people need to spend more time reflecting on what their saviour said and less on what their preachers tell them to think. Come to think of it, the preachers need to spend more time reflecting on their saviour's words and action.

Keep in mind old JC went to town at the temple when he saw all the money passing back and forth.. and what was it he told that crowd that was going to stone the harlot?.. Let he who is without sin... words to live by.

If only christians really practiced what JC preached.



Libbby sez the Prez gave the ok to leak info that began this whole thing.. so in effect the Prez is the source.
But wait, didn't the Prez say he wanted the source of the leak found and prosecuted?

Well that ain't gonna happen anytime soon even if he is responsible.

For that you'd need for the congress to vote ot impeach and those are his boyz, so dream on.
Looks like if you load the dice right you can have your cake and eat it too!

Wednesday, April 05, 2006


It's not really news at this point, but Apple has released a beta that allows you to install and run Windows XP on the new macs.

Dual boot systems are always cool, though I'm still not sure going to intel chips is going to serve them well.

Ahh well... whaddya gonna do?

Tuesday, April 04, 2006


That's my current state regarding peoples attititudes toward the Republican Party.

I'm old enough so that I have seen all sorts of political scandals and in the past the heat generated was blaasted straight onto the party that was affiliated with the scandal.
Now here we are and there's not been one scandal, there've been 6 if my count is correct and depending I suppose on what you'd define as a scandal.
What's bemusing is the fact that every one of them seems to slide off as if the party involved has a Teflon® coating. In the past public opinion would have had the people involved pleading for understanding or mercy, now they slam the reports as being personal attacks aimed at them by political opponents rather than the unmasking of any crimminal activity.

Mind you if a ordinary private citizen tried using that defense in a civil complaint they'd probably be sent for a mental evaluation. (Unless you happen to be fairly wealthy of course).

So I'm reduced to wondering if it's the fact that most of the news outlets here in the US are owned by a handful of right leaning business people that's the root of this miraculous non stick surface these guys seem to be wearing.

Whaddya think?

the rest of it

I decided that the profle I had created, (for my amusement and possibly of those that chose to read it), was wa-a-a-ay too long.

So I've truncated it and am posting the remaining shreds in the blog itself, here goes:

Member in Good standing of:
The Shoot Them Now group,
The Mongol Horde™
(We're really just people that like visiting... permanently),
The Benevolent Order of Reformed Used Planet Salespersons,
The Society for Less Understanding Between Neighbors(**).

(** if they can't understand each other they can't argue!)

In the beginning

Well, yet another blog!

I'm sure the world was just waiting for this! [not!]

On the otherhand for those people that know me this may be an easy place to 'find' me.

I may have some interesting things to say.... but more than likely I'll just be venting on the current state of the planet.