On joblessness and how a large population makes larger profits possible:
I have to speak out or up on a topic which people, especially in politics and business seem to gloss over or ignore.
Population and jobs.
If you have 1,000 jobs and 800 people to fill them you pay them top wages and offer them benefits to sweeten the 'pot' to attract them. And you put notices up in other locales to draw in more workers.
Similarly if you have 1,000 jobs and 1,000 workers you pay well to keep them with you.
But, if you have 1,000 jobs and 5,000 people looking for work you're no longer constrained to offer as good a wage or benefit package. That's just business. We won't talk about business ethics If such a thing were an animal now, it'd be on the endangered species list.
Now suppose you're a 'job creator' and want to pay as little as possible for a maximum of output. What you want is a surplus of workers for every job. When you have 5,000 people fighting for each job slot you can cut wages down to whatever the legal minimum wage is, if there is a minimum.
Now you don't need to attract workers, they're pleading with you to hire them. They'll take pay cuts, cuts to benefits.
Anything to be able to support themselves and their families. Work 3 jobs, whatever it takes.
And if any state or federal regulation annoy you, blame that as a reason for not creating more jobs. It's a win-win situation for business.
Proof? Look at how many major corporations have been raking in record profits and while the unemployment rates in in many developed countries are higher than ever.
The so called "job creators" don't want to create more jobs. That would undermine a model that maximizes profits and keeps government regulations at bay, This was the way the world ran before the New Deal but now it's been optimized.
The world population continues to grow and I can guarantee you the job market will never catch up. That would be bad for business.
That's where we are.
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