Support the Troops, Congress doesn't!
The picture below isn't factually true: Congress imposed a law that will cut all funding across all Fed departments, (I believe in January?), in order to appease the GOP's balance the budget crowd.
Leon Panetta, head of the DoD, (appointed by Obama), has been *begging* Congress to change that law. Obama wants that law changed as well.
Interestingly enough if you watched C-Span instead of FoxNews you'd see this unending debacle playing out before your own eyes.
Apparently some news services are painting this issue as one where the Obama administration is attempting to gut the military. That's the exact opposite of the truth.
Both Panetta and the Heads of the Services have repeatedly appeared before Congress. Congress expects the D.o.D. to trim the military's budget to the bone. If the D.o.D. doesn't pass the increased health care costs the service personnel the U.S. will not have a military capable of defending the nation. Unless Congress acts to support the troops. Way to go Congress!
Other right wing opponents are putting out images like the one below. (Which if you watch the c-span video linked you'll realize is a last ditch attempt to meet a requirement created by congress). It's amazing how many people in Congress claim to support our troops and yet will not actually act to support them.
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