The Right Mantra? : No New Taxes
When is it possible to tell people "We want you to build new roads, repair the old ones, and maintain everything, we're going to raise your cost of living, but we want you to take a pay cut since we aren't going to raise revenues to pay you to do all this"?
That is exactly the stand republicans in government have taken. Do more for less. We don't want to pay for it.
We've had two wars, Iraq and Afghanistan which were essentially paid for by borrowing money we didn't have.
On the Iraq war we had been told by the administration that got that started that 'Oil revenues' would pay for our involvement.
What 'oil revenues' are these? They never materialized.
Our population continues to grow, requiring more education for more children, but let's not raise taxes to pay for more teachers.
No, let's cut their compensation.
That's the solution that the republicans put forth time and time again.
Meanwhile, we're no longer number one in standard of living, we're no longer number one in education, we are, however, a nation that is seeing a growing disparity between the cost of health care and the quality of outcome.
We have are a nation that is rapidly gaining in the rank of infant mortality. Was that something we aspired to?
There's an old saying: "You can't get something for nothing".
The corollary is you have to pay more for quality if you want it. But if you're earning less, well too bad.
If you want to be ranked number one in education, the standard of living of your citizens, your nation's military prowess? Then you have to pay for it. As your population grows the costs to do all these things increase. It's not rocket science.
Our current crop of republicans in government believe we're living in the 1950's when in the beginning of that decade the population of the U.S. was 152,271,417 citizens. That's what we can afford under their budget plan. Unfortunately our nation's population is currently 313,883,471 and growing.
It seems that our nation is taking a giant step backward to the 19th century. Wherein, a few very wealthy families 'guided' public opinion by means of their economic clout, i.e. The Company Store.
You work for the company, you live in a company supplied home, you shop in the company store. And the company will dictate what the rent is, what the costs of goods will be and ultimately what you will earn.
And what you earn will never surmount what you owe. How many people currently live paying off the interest on their credit cards?
This is what "Corporate America" is aimed at. And to be clear many of these corporations are not truly American.
These days a politician has to have 'friends' in the corporate world to get elected. That's the nature and end result of the Citizens United ruling. A corporation is a person? I wonder what size shoe it wears? Does in eat at Denny's?
When FoxNews or any news outlet claims the problem with America is it's Entitlement programs they are lying. Straight up, and flat out lying.
The problem is that no one wants to pay what it costs to maintain them.
But funnily enough, try and take it away from them. Try and tell someone in the deep south that you have to cut their medicare.
Watch them blame the current administration.
It isn't that the current administration wants to cut any entitlement, it's that congress doesn't want to raise the money to pay for them.
So when you go out and listen to a politician and he or she says he or she is against raising taxes, that politician wants you to work for the Company.
The company doesn't care about you.
There will always be someone else to take your place when you're no longer productive. A huge population guarantees it.
It hurts the Company's bottom line to pay for your health care. So they'll make sure you pay it. They'll see to it that it's mandated.
Cost of living increases, no way.
Hire a kid fresh out of school and turn you loose.
And if you don't like it you can leave.
Am I 'painting' a grim picture?
That's the reality of what underlies No New Taxes.
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